Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Another occassion - Morey's birthday

Our darling baby brother

Born the last of four, everyone's favorite, he was an anniversary gift for two generations.
Our darling baby brother.
Born curious, hearing music every where, he learned to love light and energy.
Our darling baby brother.
He became driven to teach, to improve out world.
He has done just that.
Happy Birthday, Morey Jesse, our darling baby brother.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Lynn's "Wishes do come true"

I am the One who believes that wishes do come true.
All I have to do is think real hard, close my eyes, make a wish and blow the dandelion seeds away!

Lynn's "Sometimes the only thing is to wait and see"

I am the One who understands words. Words. Words. Words. And sometimes no words seems right.
Sometimes the only thing is to wait and see.
I am the One who has no words.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

The second Intro to SoulCollage was sucessful with plans to begin building on going groups.

At this workshop the ten participants selected images, made a collage, completed the writing/journal aspect and discussed establishing on going groups.

Dates to be determined, but it looks like there will be one group that will meet in the afternoons during a weekday and another group for a weekend day. There will be a materials fee of $12 for each session. All supplies will be provided.

More details to follow.

An introduction to SoulCollage

What is SoulCollage®?

SoulCollage® is a process through which you contact your intuition and create an incredible deck of cards which have deep personal meaning and which will help you with life's questions.

Following the simple SoulCollage techniques, you will move fragments of cut-out magazine pictures (and your own family photos) around, fitting them together in surprising ways, gluing them to cards. The images you select and use come straight through your soul, bypassing the mind. There is also a writing segment of this creative process.

This multi-leveled, creative process is one, which anyone can do. It is wonderful to share this creative process with others.

The sisters, Risa and Lynn, recently had the pleasure of attending a SoulCollage workshop in Millersville, Maryland and under the auspices of the founder, received their facilitators' certification. Now they are eagerly planning workshops and seminars to share this program.

For history of SoulCollage and a full explanation, go to the SoulCollage website

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