Saturday, February 16, 2008

Risa is planning a Mothers' Day SoulCollage workshop

It'll be May 8th at 7PM at the Jewish Community Center in Phoenix. After a smashing success with her Day of Creativity, she's jumping in. Knowing Risa, it'll be the usual wonderful event she is famous for giving. There will be a nominal charge of $18.00 for materials. And of course, all supplies will be provided. Bring just a few personal photos pre-photocopied please.
Register either by calling Risa or registering on line.

We suggest you bring your mother, your daughter, a favorite cousin, sister or auntie, or your best friend. This workshop will be dedicated to the special bond between women.

Oh, alright, there will be something delicious to eat with coffee and tea. Hope you'll plan to come.

Lynn's Inner Child - The Younger Sister

I am the One , the 3rd of 4, the middle child, the younger sister.
Waiting to begin my life, needing to leave childhood far behind,
Yearning for the bright lights, the fine fabrics, for my adult life to begin.
I am the younger sister itching to get going.

An on-going SoulCollage Group was estsblished today

I am very pleased with the dynamics of this group and hope to be able to add some of their fabulous collages and journal entries in the next couple of months. We will be meeting monthly for 3 hours or so and welcome additional members. We'll meet next on March 8th, Saturday at 1 PM at my home for more collage making, journal entries and group hugs! Anyone interested in attending please advise or register on the meet up site so enough supplies will be available.

Stay tuned for some additional cards made by members pf this group.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Give yourself a day of creativity

Risa is hosting a day of creativity featuring SoulCollage, a kosher lunch and Cantor Sherona Feller.
Tuesday, 9:30 a.m at Risa's home. Give yourself a day of creativity, a bit of introspection and fun.
Call Risa for details.